Arthur Brooks


Do you want to be happier? Joining Sarah is Harvard leadership, happiness, and social entrepreneurship lecturer, bestselling author and The Atlantic columnist, Arthur Brooks, who has co-written a book with Oprah. Happiness didn’t come naturally to Arthur as a young person, and it’s something he’s focused on ever since. By following four pillars, he believes anyone can grab hold of their present and future and take control of their life without outside influence. In this eye-opening episode, Arthur and Sarah discuss why happiness does not come naturally to everyone but there are strategies to get there, why people with faith are generally happier than those without it, how to stop worrying, why our kids focus on the negative and how to get them to shift to a more positive mindset, and how the people around you impact your mental health. If you wish to live well and want to improve your lifestyle, then let this episode inspire you to embrace better habits so you can free yourself from fear, and after all that, be truly happy.